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2nd US InfantryUS Flag
Company C
Patrick Breen
- 1st Sergeant
My great grandfather, Patrick Breen, was a career (21+ years) regular army soldier. A native of Ireland, he enlisted at age 16 in 1855 in New York as a musician in C Company 2d Infantry Regiment. According to a history of Indiana catholics, after enlistment he was in recruiting service in Trenton, New Jersey and Syracuse, N.Y and then at Ft. Ripley, Minnesota in frontier service following which his unit was ordered to Chambersburg, Pennslyvania to report to General Patterson. According National Park Service info his unit was attached to Porter's 1st Brigade, Hunter's Division, McDowell's Army of Northeast Virginia to August 1861. then to Porter's City Guard, Washington D.C. to March 1862; then attached to Syke's Regular Infantry Brigade, Army of the Potomac March-May 1862; 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac to Sept 1863; then 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 5th Army Corps Army of the Potomac to April 1864; then 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps to June 1864; then Provost Guard, 2d Div. 5th Army Corps to Oct. 1864; then Newport Barracks, KY to Oct. 1865.
Patrick was a native of County Kerry,Ireland (though my baby book (1940) shows him as born in County Cork). He was born February 20, 1839 and emigrated to New York in 1850. He participated in many of the major engagements of the Civil War, and was wounded at Gettysburg. His account of his unit's engagement at Chancellorsville is included in the Compendium of the War of the Rebellion (a Google book.)

Patrick retired (involuntarily according to one account) as Ordnance Sergeant at Ft. St. Philip, LA 13 Dec. 1876 (where my grandfather John James Breen was born.)He died 3 April 1909 in Chicago, llinois.
Contact Name: Donald Humphreys
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/1/2013

Company D
James Badgley
- Artificer
No comments
Contact Name: Steve Badgley
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 10/20/2008

Company E
William M. Johnson
- Private
Johnson served from the late 1850's through 1865. In 58 he made the rank of Corporal, but I have not found proof of this through my research online.
Contact Name: Ryan S
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/13/2006

Company G
Nicholas Owens
- Private
Nicholas enlisted in the 2nd US Cavalry Company G on Nov. 29, 1862. It is presumed that he was killed during the war.
Contact Name: Kenneth M. Wilson
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/21/2009

Company Field & Staff
Arthur Tracy Lee
- Colonel
Commissioned an officer in the Regular Army 8th Infantry
Regiment on 27 January 1848.
Promoted to Full Major on 26 October 1861.
Mustered out on 26 October 1861.
Commissioned an officer in Company S, Regular Army 2nd Infantry Regiment on 26 October 1861.
Promoted to Brevet Lt Colonel on 02 July 1863.
Wounded in the right ankle and hip at Gettysburg, PA on 2 July 1863.
Mustered out on 20 January 1865.
Promoted to Full Colonel on 28 July 1866.
Contact Name: Eric Stone
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 5/15/2010

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